Friday, March 30, 2007

What do YOU want to be when you grow up?

At dinner the other night Riley was fast-forwarding a good 20 years or so ... telling us what he wanted to be when he grew up.

First it was a Chef. I would be elated if he was a chef ... maybe he could teach me a thing or two. :) And as a side note, I could really see this happening. The kid can watch a Rachel Ray eposide from start to finish.

Next it was a police officer. This one I'm not so sure of. While I'd be proud of my son if he was a police officer, I'm not so sure I'd deal well with the danger factor.

And lastly, he decided to add Superhero to his resume. I can support this one ... because I'll never have to deal with it. :)

So let's review, we have a crime-fighting superhero who eats well. Maybe he'll help mom decide what she wants to do when she grows up. :)

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

We will make it through this right?

Riley Arthur is as stubborn and strong-willed as they come (no Zahradnik jokes necessary). Last night was one of those nights where you just shake your head and wonder if we'll (meaning Ryan and I) will make it.

After returning home after a relaxing walk around the neighborhood, Riley decided he wasn't done walking. He started up the sidewalk past the nextdoor neighbors house ... and we kind of chuckled ... telling him to turn around. The chuckles stopped though as he kept going, crossed the street and started running even further once he saw dad was on his tail. After being put in his room for crossing the street and not listening to us when we told him to stop, he proceeded to open every drawer in his dresser ... and yes, you parents know what's going to happen next ... Ryan walked in just in time to catch the dresser from tipping over on him.

It's times like this I wonder if Ryan and I will make it though parenthood with any hair left to spare. When Riley was one, everyone told us "Just wait for the terrible two's". Once we got into the terrible two's, people told us, "Just wait until they turn three!" Just the other day I was told, "I thought the three's were bad, just wait until he turns four!" WHEN DOES THIS STOP? And please don't tell me never ... I need to keep my spirits up somehow even if it is with a false sense of security. :)

And then, just when you thought you were so upset with the little bugger, he wakes up from his sleep and is that innocent little boy who lets you rub his hair and give him "smooches" as he goes back to sleep.

Drool for a Purpose

Well, it's official. My little baby is growing up. Little Miss Paige has TWO teeth. Of course, compared to her brother, who had teeth at 3.5 months, she's running a little behind ... but I'm still not sure I'm ready for the changes ahead. When she was a toothless wonder it was easier to pretend that she was still a newborn. Anyway, both center bottom teeth have poked their way through the gums and are as sharp as ever.

When did that happen?

Now that Paige is actually doing "stuff" I find myself wondering when Riley did similar things. How sad is it that Riley is only three, yet I can't remember at what age he rolled over or sat up? I find myself looking at pictures of Riley to "remember" when he accomplished skills. Thank heavens I have my camera out most of the time huh?

I find myself wishing that I'd done a journal of sorts with Riley. Something I could look back on to relive those exciting firsts ... so I figured what better way than to start a blog. Family and friends can stop in whenever they like to get the inside scoop on our lives and I'll have a place to keep those memories that I have a hard time remembering. :)

So there you have it ... visit as often or as little as you'd like