At dinner the other night Riley was fast-forwarding a good 20 years or so ... telling us what he wanted to be when he grew up.
First it was a Chef. I would be elated if he was a chef ... maybe he could teach me a thing or two. :) And as a side note, I could really see this happening. The kid can watch a Rachel Ray eposide from start to finish.
Next it was a police officer. This one I'm not so sure of. While I'd be proud of my son if he was a police officer, I'm not so sure I'd deal well with the danger factor.
And lastly, he decided to add Superhero to his resume. I can support this one ... because I'll never have to deal with it. :)
So let's review, we have a crime-fighting superhero who eats well. Maybe he'll help mom decide what she wants to do when she grows up. :)
Amelia's performances
10 years ago